Pauline Agenda

Thoughts of

Fr. Alberione



The apostle soul is a soul that loves the Lord, wants to save herself, ardently desires Paradise and would like to lead all men to heaven with her (FSP31*, 171).

Don Giacomo Alberione

The Lord guides him in a new and multifaceted undertaking: to preach the Gospel to all peoples, with the fastest and most effective means, in the spirit of the Apostle Paul. For this he will found an entire family that shall live and work in such a way as to be “St. Paul alive today”

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Called to Eternal Life

SSP RD Congo: Don Deogratias Tuta Mukalay

Nazione di nascita: RD Congo
+ 9 gennaio 2025 (Lubumbashi, Congo)

PDDM USA: Sr. M. Natalia Donola

Nazione di nascita: Italia
+ 06/01/2025 Fresno

SSP Italia: Fratel Luigi Ivo Furcas

Nazione di nascita: Italia
+ 6 gennaio 2024 (Roma, Italia)

PDDM Giappone: Sr. M. Gabriella Hashiguchi

Nazione di nascita: Giappone
+ 03/01/2025 Tokyo