To St. Gabriel the Archangel

Father in heaven, I thank you for having chosen St. Gabriel from among the angels to bring the message of the Incarnation and Redemption to humanity. Mary accepted the tidings with faith, your Son became incarnate and, by dying on the cross, redeemed all people.
But the majority of people still have not received the message of salvation.
St. Gabriel, patron of the audiovisual media: films, radio, and television—and all social and digital media—implore Jesus Master that the Church may use these powerful means to preach the divine truth to be believed and to indicate the way to be followed.

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May these gifts of God serve to uplift and save everyone.
May they never be employed for the spread of error or the ruin of anyone.
May everyone docilely accept the message of Jesus Christ.
St. Gabriel, pray for us and for the apostolate of all audiovisual media. Amen.

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