Prayer to the Queen of Apostles

I thank you, merciful Jesus, for having given us Mary as our Mother. And I thank you, O Mary, for having given to the world the Divine Master, Jesus, Way, Truth, and Life, and for having accepted us all as your children on Calvary.

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Your mission is united to that of Jesus, who “came to seek those who were lost.” Therefore, oppressed by my sins, faults, and negligence, I take refuge in you, O Mother, as my supreme hope. Turn your eyes of mercy toward me. Bestow your most maternal care upon this your most needy child.
I place all my trust in you for pardon, conversion, and sanctity. Form a new class among your children: that of the neediest, in whom sin abounds, where formerly grace abounded. This will be the class that will most move you to pity. Receive my poor soul into this class. Work a great wonder by changing a great sinner into an apostle. It will be an unheard-of wonder, and a new glory for your Son, Jesus, and for you, his and my Mother.
I hope to receive everything from your heart, O Mother, Teacher, and Queen of the Apostles. Amen.

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