The Consecration of Humanity

O Immaculate Mary, Co-Redemptrix of the human race, look upon humanity redeemed by the blood of your Divine Son, yet still immersed in the darkness of error and confusion.
The harvest is always great, but the laborers are still very few. Have pity, O Mary, upon your children whom the dying Jesus entrusted to you from the cross. Increase religious and priestly vocations; give us new apostles full of wisdom and fervor. Sustain with your maternal care those who consecrate their lives to the good of their neighbor. Recall your care for Jesus and the apostle John; remember your consoling presence on the day of Pentecost. You were the counselor of the first apostles and of the apostles of all times. By your omnipotent intercession, obtain a new Pentecost for all those called to the apostolate, that they may be sanctified and inflamed with holy zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Guide them in all their efforts; aid them with your graces; sustain them in moments of discouragement; crown their zeal with great success.

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Grant our prayer, O Mary, so that everyone may welcome the Divine Master, Way and Truth and Life, and become docile members of the Catholic Church. May the whole world resound with your praises and honor you as Mother, Teacher, and Queen. Thus, may we all attain eternal happiness in heaven.

Hail Mary, etc.
Queen of Apostles, pray for us.

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