I Am the Way

1. O Christ, you are the Way secure;
You guide us on life’s troubled ways
Amid the errors of each age,
While toward our fatherland we gaze.

2. Our nature taking to yourself,
You came to us in flesh and blood,
And as our model and our mold,
Call us to tread the way you trod.

3. A stable poor at birth you chose,
Long years you labored tirelessly,
The bitter cross you did embrace
And so you tell us, “Learn of Me.”

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4. Uniting her sons’ lives to yours,
The faithful Church that follows you
Makes us deserving of true joy
Life everlasting, ever new.

5. Not sad, the death of loyal souls
Whom holy Mother Church will guide;
On earth, she gives the exile hope,
In heaven, joys that e’er abide.

6. Our everlasting Truth, Way, Life
By you we’re led, by you we live.
To Father, you, and Paraclete
May all men praise and glory give. Amen.

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