Jesus appointed Peter as his visible vicar. He entrusts to him all the faithful and their shepherds. He renders him infallible in teaching and gives him authority in service and charity in sanctifying: “Feed my lambs, feed my sheep” (Mt 16: 13–19). Jesus gives him the keys of the kingdom of heaven (see Jn 21:15–23).

May you be blessed, O Jesus Master, because in Peter you are present in your Church: you teach, strengthen, and save.
Whoever is with Peter is with you; those who detache themselves from Peter are like branches cut off from the vine.
We cut ourselves off with the mind through disbelief, with the will through rebellion, with the heart through sin.
I believe that Peter is for me way and truth and life in Christ.

Glory to God . . .
Jesus Master . . .
Mary, Queen of Apostles . . .

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