At the end of time, everyone will be raised, each to his own destiny. There will be the final separation. The Judge will appear; everything will be revealed, and the final sentence will be heard: “Come, you blessed, into the kingdom of my Father.” “Depart, you cursed, into the
eternal fire.” The just will enter eternal life, the wicked into eternal suffering. This will be the epilogue of human history, the day of the Lord, of truth, and of justice (see Mt 25:31–46).

O Divine Master, I ponder your eternal words. The mercy and the justice of God will be glorified; the redemption will be exalted; the merits of the elect will be recognized; all the wicked will be put to shame.
I recognize my social duties: “Everything you did to the least of these my brothers, you did to me” (Mt 25:40).

Glory to God . . .
Jesus Master . . .
Mary, Queen of Apostles . . .

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