I Am the Truth

1. O Christ, our one, our only Light,
If you illumine anxious minds,
Then evil error takes to flight:
Eternal truth serenely shines.

2. The world, when of your light deprived,
Remains enwrapped in densest dark;
May faith and charity benign
Unite their flames in every heart.

3. May every tongue sing praise to you,
May schools and arts in every age;
May books and journals bear your truth,
Resplendent on each printed page.

4. May nations sing your glorious praise,
And ’round the globe your truths resound,
Transmitted by new means and ways
Your gifts, which modern man has found.

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5. In glorious triumphs far and wide,
O may the Church, in your name one,
In bonds forged by your aid divine
Join all who live beneath the sun.

6. Our everlasting Truth, Way, Life
By you we’re led, by you we live.
To Father, you and Paraclete
May all men praise and glory give. Amen.

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